Wednesday 21 November 2012

Peripheral Chaos

this semester was the first whereby i actually did CM-ish modules for the first time in 3 years! all these while my modules were just computer science or math etc.

one of the modules required us to build a game using Unity and it was rather rewarding since people can actually play our end product!

so our game is called Peripheral Chaos. it is a sci-fi FPS against robots.

the starting scene of Peripheral Chaos

for more details, go to the game's page!

to download the exe:

please try it out and tell me what you think!

when we first started, we planned to implement both Campaign mode and Multi-player mode but with 6 weeks and 4 other modules, we decided to fully focus on Campaign mode. Multi-player might be something in the future? i'm not too sure. hahaha. there was a map created that was modeled after com1 but since that was for the Multi-player mode, it never saw the light of day. ( >.< )ノ still it was rather fun modeling it i guess.

during the showcase, each group did their presentation and the games i really liked were Elite6 and Heresy of Set. check out their videos below!

elite6, a RTS by Monochrome

heresy of set, a tower defense game with Egyptian themes. rick modeled every damn model in this game. insanity. ( >.< )ノ

not sure if their games are up for dl but if they are, go try it out! fun stuffff.

( ̄▽ ̄)ノ byebye

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