Saturday 15 December 2012

chubsiew birthday lunch at Five & Dime

i've heard of Five & Dime for a while and i've finally got to go there with vtm! it was chubsiew's birthday so we all went for a nice birthday lunch. (●^ (エ) ^●)/

big brekkie with scrambled/sunny side ups, sauteed mushrooms, sausages, toast, baked beans and bacon. i liked the mushrooms a lot! the scrambled eggs can get a little boring so the mushrooms were good. the bacon wasn't that fascinating but well, it is still bacon afterall. the toast were fat and fluffy so that's nice (●^(エ)^●)

beef panini.

creme brulee with berries.

earl grey choco tart with vanilla icecream. i couldn't taste the earl grey at all cause the choco was so dense! vanilla icecream was yummy though.

super love and happy that we got together from secc. yaye vtm!

( ̄▽ ̄)ノ byebye

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