Friday 30 December 2011

went to meet up with soc raggers at old airport.! its quite convenient actually. train ride to serangoon and a switch to dakota. about 30minutes.? the station is rather near the food centre too.   ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

i foresee myself going there for dinner alot now.

had my favorite epic tauhuay from LaoBan, satays and oyster omelette. ahhh~. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

how it totally felt like. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

wanted to buy some back for the family but it was sold out by the time i was done. le sigh. bought them tauhuay from 51-something instead. hope it was as yummy.!!!


trying eyeshadow combi for cny now.! yes its early but cny is even earlier next year. hahaha. shall wear a non-black dress.! most probably purple/yellow.

yellow, green and violet on my left eye.

the colors are kinda washed out on camera. #soclose.

lomo effects make me look like a ghost but uh. i guess the colors are a teensy bit more visible...?

AND. the cutest frosty ever arrived in the mail today. (´∀`) thanks thanks.!

these stupid emoticons are damn addictive. especially cause i like things with (´・ω・)ノ face. omggggg.

off to watch the Cowboy Bebop movie. love their bgm.

Cowboy Bebop. enjoy.!

( ̄▽ ̄)ノ byebye

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