Saturday 24 December 2011


deception level: dragonborn. i like the idea of having mad black hair but dyeing my hair black was one of the few bad decisions ive ever did. its irreversible and an utter nightmare. even now i cant get my hair ends to bleach out to a proper brown. not to mention blonde. sigh.

dinner with the family at Spring Court. i like this place. the dedicated waitress is always there and oh-so-nice without being annoying. its funny too cause there is a karaoke station in each room and i can always hear singing from other rooms, mostly teochew songs, and just lol. hahahaha.

soup maw with crab for the first dish.

bacon with chicken and unidentified green thing.


fish dish that i actually ate. not too fishy(?) and fresh. ( ´ ▽ ` )οΎ‰ 

self gratifying shot cause i like my makeup while waiting for the next dish. there is actually Lion Papa(a bronze shimmer) and Savana(a gold shimmer) from the tokidoki Robbery palette on my eyelids. cant tell from this though.

funny fried lotus rice.

my mom took like 10mins to snap this cause she kept pressing the home key on my phone instead. must be cause its the instinct to press the only button. meh.

today's theme is: BLACK. hahaha. ohkay its always black.

being lazy to go out im now at home watching The Holiday. the british accent is killing me. hahahaha. fits in with my hot chocolate mood. JUDE LAW Y U SO CUTE. now theyre making out & i feel #foreveralone. sian. hahahaha.

( ̄▽ ̄)γƒŽ byebye

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